We advise maintaining great dental health by practising those habits from a young age as no one wants unhealthy, ugly teeth and gums, therefore leading you to suffer. This is why Preventive Care should begin in good time, especially as children are more prone to developing dental issues.
Carrying out Preventive Care in Dorking for my Teeth
Here at Dorking Smiles, we say to invest in an electric toothbrush; your gums stay fresh for longer due to its rounded bristles compared to a standard one, where people go wrong; thinking a regular toothbrush will do the trick when it won’t. We all know and understand how important it is to brush your teeth twice a day, so why not follow that routine with flossing and coming in frequently for regular checkups. If you’d like to keep up with a healthy mouth and great gums, follow these steps:
• Attend dentist appointments or dental screenings every six months.
• Brush with fluoride toothpaste twice per day (morning and night).
• Floss once between each set of teeth in an area called “dental care”.
• Drink water instead of sugary drinks when possible because they can lead directly towards cavities/gingivitis/halitosis if not adequately brushed away by cleaning instrumentation such as brushes.
Your mouth and smile is your first impression of what people see. So we’re here to help take care of you and your gums, ensuring you stay fit and healthy. Although we at Dorking Smiles like to say to our patients to avoid costly treatments and more appointments, do not smoke or overindulge in alcohol. Excessive drinking can lead to cavities!
Here at Dorking Smiles, we offer many dental care services, including our Preventive Care to keep your teeth strong and healthy for the rest of your lifetime. Call us today and book an appointment; we can recommend the best treatments for you and what we can do to help you!