

Tooth loss is a problem that affects far too many people in the UK, with 31% of the population having suffered from tooth decay at some point. The state of your teeth affects more than you might think; it’s not uncommon for missing teeth to be a big source of insecurity or cause issues when it comes to eating and speaking.
Dentures are an advanced, effective form of dental technology that restores missing teeth and can give you the smile you deserve. To find out more about how dentures can help you, don’t hesitate to contact the expert team at Dorking Smiles today.

What Causes Tooth Loss?

Tooth decay is the most common cause of tooth loss, and can have a huge impact on the state of your oral health. You must maintain a basic oral hygiene routine to upkeep a healthy lifestyle. Of course, most people are informed of the importance of dental health from a young age. However, it’s all too easy to neglect your teeth as you grow older and other priorities start to take over. When you start to overlook your oral hygiene, you will likely experience a buildup of plaque, which could lead to tooth decay if not removed effectively. Make sure to attend your regular dental checkups so that your dentists can identify and resolve any issues before they become more serious.
While tooth decay is usually down to neglect, some people are more genetically predisposed to suffer from the affliction than others. Tooth loss can also occur due to injuries. If you have had a tooth knocked out in an accident, call Dorking Smiles for an emergency appointment, and they will hopefully be able to reattach the lost tooth or offer a teeth replacement treatment, such as dentures.

Why Do I Need Dentures?

Here at Dorking Smiles, we offer both partial and complete dentures. Partial dentures are for those missing one or two teeth, whereas complete dentures can replace an entire dental arch.
Our priority here at Dorking Smiles is you, your health and your happiness. We have done our job if you walk out of our doors feeling happy and confident in your new smile. Tooth loss can significantly impact how you perceive yourself, meaning natural-looking and feeling replacement treatments such as dentures can work wonders for your self-esteem.

What Happens After?

After your treatment, don’t be worried if you experience some minor discomfort for the first few days as your mouth adjusts to the new sensation. Your dentist will arrange an appointment to follow up on your procedure and check your progress. If you are experiencing any sore spots, be sure to inform your dentist at this appointment. We suggest only consuming soft foods for a few days after your treatment to avoid dislodging the dentures or causing any unnecessary pain.

Visit Dorking Smiles for the Best Dental Care

We want all our patients to feel happy and confident in their smiles. If you’re suffering from tooth loss, give the team a call today to see if dentures can help you. You’ll be welcoming in a fresh new smile before you know it!

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