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Call now for surgical extractions
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Our aim at Dorking Smiles is to try to save every tooth. There are times when surgical extraction may be necessary to keep your teeth and regain optimal dental health. We can provide successful restorative treatment to restore your smile.


To help patients conquer dental phobias and undergo surgical extractions in complete comfort, we have a team of skilled dental nurses who are expert at creating a comfortable, soothing environment for all patients. 

Thanks to powerful anaesthetics, tooth extraction procedures today are far less painful than ever before. In most cases, a patient who has a tooth extracted experiences little or no discomfort and only minor bleeding.

Prior to tooth extraction, the area surrounding the tooth is numbed with a topical and injectable anaesthetic.

Depending on the level of the procedure, some patients who have had their teeth extracted may need to take an antibiotic. We advise taking precautions following the procedure to try to prevent any infection from occurring. For example, smoking, vigorous brushing and rinsing, and drinking liquids through straws are discouraged during the post-operative period, as this could hinder healing and potentially cause a wound to open. To help reduce swelling, a cold compress can be applied to the outside cheek near the extraction area; this could also help the area to heal more quickly.

If you experience any of the following symptoms, you may have an impacted wisdom tooth:

  • Pain
  • Facial Swelling
  • Gum Swelling 
  • Infection

Unfortunately, wisdom tooth pain is common among many adults; it occurs when new teeth form too close to existing teeth. Problems such as crowding or improper bites, or infection can occur.

Wisdom teeth are the third and final set of molars that erupt in the back corners of the upper and lower regular adult mouth. There isn’t anything to prevent wisdom teeth from becoming painful because Wisdom tooth pain is now so common symptoms are easy to spot; they include inflammation, severe discomfort and sometimes infection.

When wisdom teeth become impacted, they can be very painful; they can also harm your oral health. At Dorking Smiles, our aim is to prevent further pain and help fix problems that may occur with your wisdom teeth.

To discuss your requirements for Surgical Extractions, contact us today.

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