Tooth brushing is important for dental care, but it can be hard to get kids to do so! We have written this blog post to share some ideas that you may not have known about encouraging your children to brush their teeth.
Help Kids Know What to Expect
When it comes time to brush your child’s teeth, make sure they’re used correctly and without toothpaste to start with. Getting them to chew on the bristles will help them better understand their feelings.
Make Sure Your Kids See You Brush and Floss
A child’s success is mainly due to how well they absorb information and apply what was learned when given new tasks or problems as long as those lessons come through clearly without any confusion. It seems like most kids get the message after seeing their parents do so. Still, other factors at play can also affect learning, such as a parent modelling correct behaviour for older siblings who teach them more skills needed in everyday life, including good oral habits!
Brush Each Other’s Teeth
How about you brush your child’s teeth and get your child to brush yours! You could be doing them a favour by distracting the little ones. It might just happen that way because of how easy it is for us adults to start brushing our brushes or toothpaste tubes!
Make Brushing a game
Here’s a way to make tooth brushing fun! Introducing the Toothless Masters interactive game. Your child will be rewarded with prizes if they brush their teeth correctly or hit goals and targets. Why not introduce them into a sticker chart!
Have a ‘Play Toothbrush’ for your Child’s Toys
Try engaging your child in other activities to make brushing teeth a more enjoyable experience. For instance, if you have them pretend to brush their toy’s teeth while they do their pearly whites, it will help even the boredom of tooth brushing.
Give your Child Options
Let your child be in charge of choosing their toothbrush; it may get them more excited about the routine! If you’re struggling to get them to like using toothpaste too, start using just damp brushings and see what happens. You might not expect it, but giving little ones creative control over oral hygiene can lead them down an exciting path towards perfect teeth every day with less frustration than most parents experience when trying new products.
Sing a Toothbrushing Song
Tooth brushing songs are the perfect way to keep your child motivated and excited about their teeth-care routine. Not only will they be more enthusiastic, but you’ll get some peace of mind knowing that this one task has been broken up!
Use the Dentists as a Backup
This is a great tip for parents who find it challenging to stay positive in the face of adversity. It can be challenging. We always tell your children, “Remember our dentist said about needing an extra cleaning?”.
Tooth decay and bad breath are two of the top reasons parents fight tooth cleaning at bedtime, but we’ve found some creative ways to make it more fun with activities that promote healthy habits in their home. The post details nighttime routines in general and strategies for specific situations where you might need Tooth brushing. We hope this has helped you in more ways than one!